Synopsis: Cyborg tricks Raven to create a magical double of himself and Beast Boy so they will both always have someone to play with.
Synopsis: Raven's demon father, Trigon, comes to visit, and wins over her friends in an effort to get her to embrace dark magic and become evil like him. Synopsis: Robin gets his driver's license suspended after wrecking the Batmobile, and must take a Driver’s Ed course. Synopsis: Cyborg's birthday is coming up, Beast Boy takes a job at their favorite pie shop so he can afford an expensive gift. Synopsis: Raven sends the Titans to the ends of the universe on a quest for the ingredients to make a legendary, magical sandwich. Juvenile Correction Facility Guards, Magical Tree Custodians, Dodgeball Announcer Raven (main)/ Lady Legasus/ Ravine, Silkie, Old Lady, Little Girl, Jayna, Raven's Emoticlones, Kitten, Batgirlīeast Boy (main)/ Beast Bob/ Beast Babe, Puppet WizardĬyborg (main)/ Stone, The Couch, Zan, Universe StaffĬyborg's Nose, Flex, Mumbo Jumbo, Magic God Robin (main)/ Nightwing/ Red X, Speedy, Carlos, Pizza Deliverer, Detective Chimp, Doctor Light (in 'Colors of Raven'), Treadmill Spirit, Birdarang, Pain Bot, Muscle, Killer Moth, Batcave voice scanner.